A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

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You can support this project directly at Patreon to access the latest versions, otherwise, consider itch.io purchases as a tip jar or simply enjoy the game for free, although your support is really appreciated!

v0.3.6 (June Update) - *Some belts are quite restrictive~*

✧ Chastity belt implemented - yes, the one item that may change the whole story! You were hypnotized by some pervert and he\she tries to abuse you? Nope! Chastity belt prevents it! But, sometimes it may interrupt some nice cozy moments, as it is not easily removed~
✧ Lots and lots of event adjustments - with a chastity belt in the game all naughty encounters were modified to react to it in a different manner, some may even play out quite comically~
✧ New event in Nymph district - You may find a shop that will sell rare magic artifacts there, but for now you may purchase a chastity belt in this shop. 
✧ More art - New Naga art, and I must say, it looks exquisite~ 
✧ Bugs extermination - Some major and minor bugs were dealt with~
✧ And many small adjustments - Balance changes, image additions, text corrections, and many more small changes.

v0.3.5 (May Update) - *Sightseeing*

✧ Map is getting populated - 14 new locations to visit (yes, they are still empty, but will get lots of content in the future updates). This way future quests finally be able to include different locations to visit and interesting intrigues implemented. These 14 new locations include:
✧ Nymph's District - Yeees~ Finally Nymph District will be available with many new interesting characters to meet and interact with (in the future updates), and right in this district you will be able to buy different items that will protect your or your protege's chastity (chastity belt to appear in the next update ^_^)~
✧ Human's District - A place of intrigue, arrogant nobles, and hidden slavery organization. Be careful as local nobles may take interest in your protege and will try to buy her or take her away from you~
✧ Satyr's District - What do you think first about when you hear the word Satyr? I immediately think about wine and festivities, and what festivities there could be in Satyr District without their own House of Pleasure? So yes, in future updates you will be able to visit a very peculiar establishment in this district to work there or to relax and spend some gold on exquisite beatues~
✧ Lake Synevyr - A large mysterious lake in the middle of a mountain valley, surrounded by forests - an ideal place to meet some cute fairies and mermaids!
✧ Emerald Plains - Wonderful place to stretch your legs and just gather some alchemy ingredients if... you do not stray far from the road... otherwise, you could meet many dangers of different sorts~ Harpies, centaurs and other creatures roam the plains, so better stay near the main road~ (By the way, it has 1 event already implemented)
✧ Frostforge Mountains - Mountains that encircle the valley, you will be able to get some ore from there and meet some mountain dwellers.
✧ South Road - This location will be more quest-related and you will be able to meet some merchants here.
✧ Alchemist's Grove - A safer location than Myrkvithr for visiting a forest and meeting some peaceful forest denizens.
✧ Tower Garden - A place where you may spend some time to relax after an especially tiring day.
✧ Towers - South, North, West, East, and Main Towers are places that you may visit to get to know characters that are involved in Academy operations~
✧ Battle system update - A lot of not-obvious updates that will allow to add enemies and weapons much faster and reliably into the game, from visible changes - now weapons deal dmg in range, for example, if an earlier weapon dealt 4 dmg + str, now it deals 1-4 dmg + str.
✧ More art - Some new art for new locations (more to be added in later updates)!
✧ Bugs extermination - Some major and minor bugs were dealt with~
✧ And many small adjustments - Balance changes, image additions, lots of buttons, text corrections, and many more small changes.

Get ready to immerse yourself in a world of magic and mystery with Noblesse Oblige - the fantasy-themed trainer/management game that puts you in the role of an aspiring young Mage. 

As a personal teacher of young gifted individuals in a wizard city-state, you'll have full control over your student, but with great power comes great responsibility. Will you use your influence to be a noble and wise mentor, or will you give in to darker desires and become a lecherous master or mistress? The choice is yours, but be warned - every decision you make will have unforeseen consequences.

With frequent updates and many game mechanics still in development, the journey with Noblesse Oblige is just beginning. Keep an eye out for new features as we continue to build this captivating world of magic and intrigue. Are you ready to embrace your destiny as a master of the arcane? Let's find out together! ✨

✧✧✧ How it is played ✧✧✧

Noblesse Oblige is a game about raising your protege that you can shape as you like. 

🌄Every day starts with setting your schedule (or using the one that you have premade). 

☀️After you have decided on what you and your protege will do during the day, all the planned events are executed. You can earn money, increase skills, encounter different events during this stage, or take care of your house or your needs.

🌇Then comes evening. It is time to plan or use your evening schedule that is more focused on resting, visiting other characters, or interacting with your protege.

🌃After executing your evening events comes the night, it's mainly time for rest, but some events may happen during this time (mysterious dreams, night escapades, weird noises...).

During your day you may go on exploration and venture into different locations to encounter events, new characters, battles, gather resources and find new places of interest. 

This will go on for three months during which you will be able to compete in different ranking events vs other students, visit fairs, and progress the story. After those 3 months you will get the choice - to complete your protege's training or to continue training her for the next season (this will require you to pay a hefty sum of gold for additional time). In the future, after training your first protege you will be able to select your next protege, each with their unique story and quirks.

Depending on the way you develop your protege, you may get different results. For example - if you focus on Cleaning and Cooking skills - you will most likely get the "Maid" ending, making so that your protege will become a maid or a butler as a result of your training. On the other hand, if you develop knowledge skills, and complete different events, your protege may become a sage, a librarian, or a royal advisor. it will all depend on how you handle their development.

✧ Genre: trainer\RPG\sandbox

✧ Adult Content: Yes (avoidable)

 Character creation: Yes, with options that shape your gameplay. (to be fully implemented)

✧ Combat: turn bases, 6vs6 teams max, with sword, magic, and summons (only swords for now)

✧ Crafting: to be added!

✧ Setting: fantasy with humans, wizards, gremlins, dryads, nymphs, satyrs, centaurs, etc...

✧ Tentacles: Yes (avoidable)

✧ Character transformation: Yes (by a sidequest, avoidable)

Multiple choice story progression (to be fully implemented).

Mysteries, secrets, puzzles, and more (to be implemented)

Money, Inventory, Energy, and other systems

 Discover magic academia filled with fantasy races, secrets, intrigue, and... romance~.

And so much more to be added!

Noblesse Oblige is free to play with new updates every month, but if you wish to support this little studio and the development of the game, please consider joining our Patreon!

Updated 13 days ago
StatusIn development
PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux
Rated 4.0 out of 5 stars
(9 total ratings)
AuthorAlvir Studio
GenreSimulation, Role Playing
Made withRen'Py
Tags2D, Adult, Anime, Eroge, Erotic, Fantasy, Ren'Py, Romance, Singleplayer
Average sessionA few hours
LinksPatreon, Twitter


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NoblesseOblige-0.3.5-pc.zip 276 MB
NoblesseOblige-0.3.5-mac.zip 242 MB
NoblesseOblige-0.3.6-pc.zip 277 MB
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NoblesseOblige-0.3.6-mac.zip 243 MB
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